Saturday, February 2, 2008

Catching Up

In reference to the 7 and 1/2 habits, my thoughts last week were:
"This is hard… probably it is focusing on ONLY one goal. I’m always juggling 25! That should be it. OR, it could be play, because I always think that work comes first. OR it could be resources because I tend to do things myself….I watched u-tube on digital data for the second time—excellent form and content! Hmmm... maybe I am making some progress--this is one goal(learning new web 2 stuff), it's really play, and I'm using other resources!


Nancy said...

The hard part for all of us is fitting in "one more thing". The good news is that we are willing to do it because we know its important to find ways to do things more efficiently. You know what they say...One person's "play" is another's work. Thanks for doing this with us.

Finance said... more thing to do - but this will be exciting because we are doing it together!!! Your involvement with us on this journey reinforces the importance this new learning is to us and will help us recognize the importance to our students.

TeacheratHeart said...

Whether we all know it or not .... the play has begun! :) I am having fun just looking and leaving messages for the blogs!

Allison said...

I agree with Tracy - the fun has just begun. And learning how to add comments got easier and easier with each blog!!