Sunday, April 13, 2008

Back Again--With Del.ici.ous

Hmmm, a delicious new efficient filing system for on-line endeavors. The word delicious fits for me with the written word. I find some books literally "delicious" in their vocabulary and format so I guess I could come to bring "technology" and "delicious" into the same sentence. I was a little frustrated with the video since the background was too fuzzy for me to actually see what the speaker was describing on her page. I like the "magic middle" concept and wonder who might be willing to be my "magic middle." As I reviewed some of the del.ici.ous links we were directed to scan, I found an excellent source on Facebook and a BBC story on the social development of this Web 2 generation--both saved and excellent finds. I'd be interested in seeing us set up a group Del.ici.ous account.

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