Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Inspiration for Today

I am still plugging away at finishing up my obligations to 23 Things and decided I could fit one or two more in this morning. I went to SMILE BOX and spent a bit of time not only familiarizing myself with it site but thinking of all of the things that I could immediately do with it--an upcoming surprise party that I am working on for a family member, a vacation that I am trying to put together, a fun way to remember good times, etc.... and then I went to YOUTUBE, a site I am somewhat familiar with and after watching three or four videos I went to Paul Potts, Britian's Got Talent to listen to his first performance. What a fine, fine way to start the day! I highly recommend it. Tonight I am going to figure out how to upload it to this blog.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Still Workin'

I am going back through all of the 23 Things because I got bogged down in the introductions and went off to many interesting things without doing the Discovery Assignments. It is interesting to view some things twice and it is making realize that while 23 Things is a good introduction, to truly use these features is going to take more than the small assignments. It is going to take daily practice. I wonder how we might do that?

I liked Technorati and added it to my favories so that I could go there when time permits. I was easily sidetracked to an article on the latest issue between Obama and Clinton and enjoyed knowing that the two are debating tonight in my son's hometown: Harrisburg, PA. I also was caught up in the Houghton-Mifflin issue of misrepresenting or perhaps incompletely representing global warming issues in its student texts. I was alarmed at the date of the intro pages for Technorati and wondered how much might have changed since that intro was written.

Library 2.0 was next on my catch up and I found many phrases that just rolled off my tongue like "We Are the Web!" "Digital Enthongraphy". I chose the Iceberg article on what our Titanic Libraries may be heading toward BUT I found myself saying, "Oh no -- books and shelves, references and take outs... don't go, please don't go......" although I did appreciate the closing of the article encouraging change "One little boat at a time." Even more than Icebergs though, I loved Library 4.0--it was awesomely written, imagined, and visioned. I want to know about Education 4.0. Don't you?

Wiki's were my last foray this hour plus and while I've got the concept (quick) and I loved the places it took me and I did some cool really useful bookmarks, I'm not sure I've really got it at least at any point that is really useful for me. I have this hunch thought that it owuld be so very powerful for our teachers.

Back Again--With Del.ici.ous

Hmmm, a delicious new efficient filing system for on-line endeavors. The word delicious fits for me with the written word. I find some books literally "delicious" in their vocabulary and format so I guess I could come to bring "technology" and "delicious" into the same sentence. I was a little frustrated with the video since the background was too fuzzy for me to actually see what the speaker was describing on her page. I like the "magic middle" concept and wonder who might be willing to be my "magic middle." As I reviewed some of the del.ici.ous links we were directed to scan, I found an excellent source on Facebook and a BBC story on the social development of this Web 2 generation--both saved and excellent finds. I'd be interested in seeing us set up a group Del.ici.ous account.

Catching Up

It has been over a month since I have been actively pursuing my 23 New Things. The lapse hasn't been due to lack of interest or difficulty but simply time and setting some other necessary priorities. This afternoon I did go back and set up my Rolly-O Travel Search (I found some excellent ways to compare prices across multiple sites instead of my having to pull each one up separately and keep re-entering the data) and, as usual, got into other linked interesting things and I was off and running for 45 minutes! I guess that is both the blessing and the curse of these Web-2 things: you can never do just one simple thing. It is all too interesting and time consuming.

I did read an article today of some research in which the finding was that people relaxing and watching TV are not "happy" while doing so and that people express being happy when they are with others rather than doing a solitary activity. So the question is: "Are people happy when "web2ing"? Is it a solitary activity or is it actually social?

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Moving Ahead--Step by Step

I am trying to catch up. These weeks are getting ahead of me and Spring seems to hiding just around the corner. Technology will never beat out a chance to be on the water or working outside, so I'd best get myself moving on this now while the air is still crisp with winter's last efforts. It is easy to get lost in reading others' posts and I can see how this is terribly appealing to young people. I would have liked it, especially when I was in college and I think I'll like it even more when I have time to read, write, and think. I did come across a cool blogspot that I want to keep track of: http://peoplereading.blogspot.com/ and I'd like to have it feed my rss page but I can't find it! Wonder what I'll learn as I track down this error?

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Technology Posting

I remain intrigued with technology and am always eager to find new ways to be more efficient and more creative. However, I do not have patience for aspects that I do not see as having meaning for me and I must admit, it is hard to give up lovely things that work for something new. Technology also keeps me very humble; inevitably when a problem occurs, it was my fault, my input, my misjudgment that led to the failing and not the equipment or the program. I am also intrigued at the way in which technology is bridging social barriers and opening relationships rather than shutting down and depersonalizing as it was threatened to do. This lesson: technology has actually broadened and deepened our communication rather than limited it, leads to a larger message--it is in our hands. We will chose want it becomes.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Where Everyone Matters

Tonight's discussion about what we collectively and individually want to be at the heart of who we--Somerset County Public Schools are to our students, our staff, our families, our community, and to one another was so affirming. The place you, the Central Office Team--described is the place I want to work. Regardless of differences of opinion or perspective, disappointment or frustrations, and setbacks or new challenges, if we can live a commitment of consistently being a place where everyone matters every day in every way, oh the places we can go! Our task now is urgency--how can we help others see the need for change and the importance of acting immediately. I'm looking forward to your thoughts and even more forward to our collective and individual actions.

If for even a moment you doubt we can do this, think about that new building just around the corner from this office. We said clearly we wanted a brand new high tech learning environment--there was no lapse or confusion in our vision--we were consistent, and in spite or hurdles here and there and still wanting/needed to go further (technology isn't worth much if we aren't constantly learning and applying. wow, look how far we've come!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Catching Up

In reference to the 7 and 1/2 habits, my thoughts last week were:
"This is hard… probably it is focusing on ONLY one goal. I’m always juggling 25! That should be it. OR, it could be play, because I always think that work comes first. OR it could be resources because I tend to do things myself….I watched u-tube on digital data for the second time—excellent form and content! Hmmm... maybe I am making some progress--this is one goal(learning new web 2 stuff), it's really play, and I'm using other resources!

So Much

So much to read and so little time. So much to think and so little time. My most recent survival skill has been skim and note but it is unsatisfactory. I miss the depth and there's certainly no chance for dialogue between the risk taker me and the cautious, want-to-be sure-me so the value in the reading and the thinking--to generate new thoughts and ideas that I can use, gets lost in the "later" pile. Later never, or rarely comes. There's got to be a better way.
Juggling Elephants by Jones Loflin and Todd Musig is calling my name but I can't get there.